BodyHairSkin ("we", "us" or "us") is committed to protecting the privacy of all customers in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) ("PDPO"). You may need to provide us with your personal data and details from time to time to enable us to carry out the activities described in clause 3 below. If you do not provide us with your personal data, we may not be able to carry out such activities. We may also use and compile information about you. The personal information you provide and all information that we use and compile from time to time will be collectively referred to as "Personal Data".

By visiting any website owned and operated by us or providing us with your personal data through other means, including through our physical stores or telephone enquiries, or by applying for or using our services, you consent to our collection, use and storage of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy Statement ("Statement") and as amended from time to time. We recommend that you review this Statement regularly.

We are committed to preservation, protection and confidentiality all personal data stored with us and/or collected from you and/or transferred from you. Please read the following in this Statement to learn more about our approach to handling personal data:

  1. Declare the scope
    1. This Statement covers personal data collected and processed when you become our member, register with us or request our services. Where our operations are subject to privacy laws outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Hong Kong"), this Statement will apply to the extent practicable and consistent with such legislation.
  2. Collection of Personal Data
    2.1. When you use our products and services, browse our website/social media or contact us by phone/email/fax or in our physical stores, we may ask you to provide us with your personal information under circumstances including but not limited to the following:
         2.1.1. When you register for an online account;
         2.1.2. when you download and use our mobile applications;
         2.1.3. when you shop in-store or online;
         2.1.4. When you redeem gifts or use shopping vouchers;
         2.1.5. When you participate in our promotions;
         2.1.6. when you use social media to post information and share activities;
         2.1.7. When you participate in our surveys;
         2.1.8. When you use the WiFi service of our store;
         2.1.9. when you subscribe/unsubscribe from our promotional communications;
         2.1.10. When you submit any comments or feedback to us; and/or
         2.1.11. When you are asked to verify your identity with us.
    2.2. The personal information we may ask you to provide to us includes but is not limited to your title, name, gender, telephone number, email address, mailing address, birthday information, nationality, personal preferences, favorite product categories and other personal information.

 2.3. You must provide certain personal data (as specified at the time of collection). If you fail to provide any personal data that is listed as "mandatory", we may not be able to process any membership application or request made by you and we reserve the right to refuse to provide our products or services, including rejecting your membership application.

2.4. All personal data will be collected on a voluntary, open and fair basis.
2.5. All collected information is for internal use only and will not be disclosed to third parties.
2.6. If you pay by credit card, the information provided will be securely encrypted and transmitted directly to the relevant bank for payment authorisation purposes. We guarantee that no material credit card information will be extracted.

3. Accuracy
    3.1. We will collect your personal data for the following purposes:
            3.1.1. To process your membership application, maintain and manage your membership account;
            3.1.2. providing sales services from service providers engaged by us to assist us in providing services to you, or any programme or event rewards, birthday offers, e-vouchers and services;
            3.1.3. To carry out your instructions, respond to your enquiries or provide customer service to you;
            3.1.4. conducting surveys, research or statistical analysis to improve our products and services and for marketing purposes;
            3.1.5. for direct marketing purposes with your consent and to inform you about new products, offers and other special promotions;
            3.1.6. form part of our customer database necessary for our operation to enable us to contact you by email, letter, fax, telephone or other means, including to respond to your enquiries;
            3.1.7. Use the online services provided by our website, including online shopping and participation in promotional activities;
            3.1.8. To check your personal data with information you have provided to us through other means; and/or
            3.1.9. To comply with any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements in Hong Kong or other relevant jurisdictions, including disclosure or notification requirements to which we or other categories of data recipients are subject.

4. Accuracy
      4.1. We will take all practicable steps to ensure that the personal data collected is accurate.
5. Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Data
      5.1. To facilitate the use of personal data as described in clause 3 above, we may disclose and transfer personal data to the following parties, whether located in Hong Kong or not:
            5.1.1. Third party service providers engaged by us to assist us in providing services to you, including information entry, customer database management, and services to contact customers in relation to our products and services (service providers may contact you in connection with promotions, events, product rewards, shopping vouchers and reward redemption, sales, orders, refunds, replacement services and/or delivery services) ("Third Party Service Providers"). These third party service providers are under a duty of confidentiality to us and may only use the data for the purposes set out in clause 3 above and not for their own purposes (including direct marketing purposes);
           5.1.2. Other business partners, such as operators of websites, mobile applications and membership programmes;
           5.1.3. credit reference agencies, credit card, charge and/or charge card companies and/or banks;
           5.1.4. Law enforcement agencies, governmental, regulatory and other authorities;
           5.1.5. Insurance companies;
           5.1.6. Any person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company (including the Company's professional advisers); and
           5.1.7. any actual or proposed assignee of all or any part of our business and/or assets;
     5.2. We may share aggregate information with third parties for different purposes (including promotional and advertising purposes) where you are not identified, and may use this information to better understand your needs and to improve and adapt our products and services.

6. Access and Correction
      6.1. You have the right to know:
               6.1.1. Our statement;
               6.1.2. whether we hold any of your personal data; and
               6.1.3. Types of Personal Data We Hold.
       6.2. You have the full right and ability to correct or amend your personal data at any time, including whether you wish us to contact you for direct marketing purposes, to inform you about new products and services or membership offers, or to cancel your membership, and once cancelled, all membership and personal data will not be restored.
       6.3.If you have any questions about this Statement, or wish to access or correct your personal data, you may call the Customer Service Hotline at (852) 9105 6736 by email to cs@bodyhairskin or from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. during office hours, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). Once satisfied with the authenticity and validity of the request for access or correction, we will endeavour to comply with and respond to the request within the time limit prescribed by law.
       6.4. In accordance with the Ordinance, we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any request for access to or correction of personal data.

7. Confidentiality and Security
       7.1. When you submit personal data to us, only authorized employees who are authorised to perform their job duties will have access to the information and they must follow a rigorous set of guidelines on how such personal data is used.
       7.2. We will encrypt your personal data first. To protect customers' personal data, all credit card verification and payment authorisation confirmation are handled directly by the relevant bank. We will not keep records of such information. Please remember to log out of your account and close your browser window after each transaction.
       7.3. Since any system may be hacked, and any information provided on the Internet is not completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security of information you transmit to us over the Internet or receive from us.

8. Retention of Personal Data
       8.1. Where permitted by law to comply with the conditions of the law or as otherwise required by law, or to protect our interests, we will:
              8.1.1. Your personal data will be retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the original purpose for which it was collected;
              8.1.2. If you choose to delete your registered account with us, delete all of your personal data stored by us as soon as reasonably practicable; and
              8.1.3. When you choose to delete your registered account with us or terminate your use of social media functions, ensure that the information held by the third party is retrieved.

9. Amendments to this Statement
      9.1. We may revise this Statement from time to time. If we make material changes in the way we use your personal data, we will notify you of the changes by posting a prominent notice on the member site. You agree that such notice will constitute sufficient and sufficient notice.
      9.2. If you continue to use our products or services after the relevant amendments, it means that you accept and agree to be bound by the revised statement.

10. Direct Marketing
      10.1. From time to time, we may use your name and contact details to provide you with updates on our products and services/membership programmes. We may also share your personal data with our group companies, affiliates and/or business partners who provide the same products and services for their direct marketing purposes. We need your consent to use and share your personal data.
      10.2. If you do not wish to receive promotional materials for any products and services or promotional materials from Members, you may opt-out of receiving some or all such direct marketing communications in the following ways:
            10.1.1. Log in to our website or mobile application;
            10.1.2. Email to:;  
            10.1.3. WhatsApp to: (852) 9105 6736;
            10.1.4. For newsletters by e-mail, follow the "unsubscribe" link at the end of such e-mail.
      10.3. In accordance with the law, we will comply with your request and will no longer use your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

11. Web link
        11.1. This website may contain hyperlinks to other websites and pages operated by third parties. We do not have any control over the content of the linked websites or the processing of your personal data by the operators of those websites. You should review the privacy policies of such third party websites to understand how they use your personal data.

12. Cookies
       12.1.When you visit our website, we may use cookies to store and track information about you and your preferences. Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer by our website. We use cookies for reasons such as enabling us to maintain information about you across multiple pages within one browsing period or across multiple browsing periods. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you wish, you can change your internet settings to disable cookies in the future. However, disabling cookies may prevent you from using certain features on the website.
       12.2. In order to protect your personal data, we will use website security certificate (SSL) encrypted personal data when you visit our website (Note: SSL is the industry standard for encryption over the Internet). However, due to limitations inherent in the system, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information you transmit to us. In addition, this website uses small files called cookies to help us customize your browsing experience (which will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy). If you do not want our website to remember your personal settings or use a shared or public computer, we recommend that you clear cookies or modify your browser's cookie settings.  

13. Any person under the age of 18
       13.1. We will not knowingly use our website to solicit any personal data or other information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 and visit our website, you inform your parents and/or guardians of this Statement before using our website and they have given you permission to use our website in accordance with the terms of this Statement.

14. Contact us
       14.1. If you have any questions about this statement, please feel free to email us
              Customer Service Manager
              BeFirst Group Limited
              Room 7A1, 7/F, Hui Wah Factory Building, 41 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong
              Whatsapp: (852) 9105 6736